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国旗,我们永远的信念! 2. 爱国就是对祖国的忠诚和热爱。历朝历代,许多仁人志士都具有强烈的忧国忧民思想,以国事为己任,前仆后继,临难不屈,保卫祖国,关怀民生,这种可贵的精神,使中华民族历经劫难而不衰。爱国的内容十分广泛,热爱祖国的山河,热爱民族的历史,关心祖国的命运,在危难之时英勇战斗,为祖国捐躯,都是爱国主义的表现。在中华民族五千年的发展历程中,中华民族形成了以爱国主义为核心的伟大的民族精神。 捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归,正是由于对祖国的深切热爱,勤劳智慧的中华儿女共同开拓了辽阔的疆域,创造了辉煌灿烂的文化。肩负着实现中华民族伟大复兴的我们,要热爱祖国的大好河山,积极维护祖国的主权独立和领土完整,祖国的领土寸土不能丢,不能被分裂侵占;要热爱祖国的历史和文化,提高民族自尊心和自信心,为创造更加辉煌的民族文化而尽心尽力。 今天,我国已步入新的历史时期,加入世贸组织使我国与世界各国的联系更加密切,机遇与挑战并存,我们将面临越来越多的新情况、新问题。推进我国改革开放的伟大事业,加快社会主义现代化建设的进程,更需要我们不断弘扬爱国主义的优良传统。

只有这样,中华民族才能重振雄风,为人类文明与进步做出更大的贡献。 少年兴则国兴,小年强则国强。我们要适应时代发展的要求,正确认识祖国的历史和现实,增强爱国的情感和振兴祖国的责任感,树立民族自尊心与自信心;弘扬伟大的中华民族精神,高举爱国主义旗帜,锐意进取,自强不息,艰苦奋斗,顽强拼搏,真正把爱国之志变成报国之行。今天为振兴中华而勤奋学习,明天为创造祖国辉煌未来贡献自己的力量!


dear teacher, dear students:

is the topic of my speech today i love my country. great writer victor hugo once said: "in a foreign land for a spring, it is better for one hundred winter in my hometown." through this sentence i found, no matter what the ancient and modern, chinese and foreign patriotic mood is the same.

from the founding of new china to hong kong in the return of hong kong, but with many patriotic heart, all over china. how can such a magnificent long because so little hard and broken? from all over the world in the olympic games to 08 year olympic games, china's every chinese people, chinese people want to do our best to do things by themselves.

because with the patriotic faith so china in a session of the olympic games every four years sum of success every time. those who do this isn't a sign of patriotic? both miss homeland he grandpa, and patriotic engineer zhan tianyou, or coerced don't open the king of the second, are they not all with a sincere heart of patriotic?

let us solemnly swear under the five-star flag: we are chinese, we are the chinese people. we should love our motherland. we are going to study hard, try my best to serve their country, to honor for his country.

my speech to this end, thank you!






有人说,挽着恋人的手漫步大学校园,是一件浪漫的事情。有人说,大学图书馆里的书真多啊。遨游书海,感受文学的魅力,无疑是件幸福的事情。有人说,大学是疯狂的,大学是自由的,大学是放纵的,大学是颓废的。而在我的眼中:大学是天堂,大学是乐园,大学是梦怒放的国度。我有一个大学梦。因为这个梦想,我踏进了校园。开始了我的漫漫求学路。不论严寒酷署,不论刮风下雨,从未间断。汗水浸湿了衣衫,寒风刺痛了双颊,一路上有嘲笑,有讥讽,有支持,有鼓励。我统统都不在乎。因为我一直在路上,在追梦的路上,我一直为我的梦想而努力着。被嘲笑的梦想才有实现的价值。寒窗苦读十几载,我们就像蛹巢里的蝴蝶,终有一日会破茧而出。一年之后当我们收到沉甸甸的大学录取通知时,我想现在一切都是值得的。我想我会泪流满面,亦或是欣喜若狂。那时我就可以满怀骄傲地向世人宣告:我是一名大学生。我们年轻,我们永不言败。青春飞扬,自信昂扬。抬起你高贵的头颅,勇敢大步地向前冲吧。同学们,让我立下一个大学之约:一年之后大学见。让我们告别盛夏的流火,硬撑金秋的丰硕,用青春诠释我们的誓言,用汗水锻造我们明日的辉煌。青春有梦,勇敢去追。年轻的朋友们。let` go.



as you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air. yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day! and most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented level! you know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and committed! and you are confident, you are passionate, you are committed!

you will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and asking new questions. you will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take. you will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. you will never succumb to challenges of hardships. you will never waver in your pursuit of excellence. after all,you are the best, and you deserve the best!

as your coach and friend, i can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand. you must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear. i know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!

now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: i must do it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed! i must do it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed! i must do it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed!



a young idler,an old beggar

almost everyone knows the famous chinese saying:a young idler,an old beggar. throughout history,we have seen many cases in which this saying has again and again proved to be true.

it goes without saying that the youth is the best time of life,during which one's mental and physical states are at their peaks. it takes relatively less time and pains to learn or accept new things in a world full of changes and rapid developments. in addition,one is less likely to be under great pressure from career,family and health problems when young. therefore,a fresh mind plus enormous energy will ensure success in different aspects of life.

of course,we all know:no pains,no gains. if we don't make every effort to make good use of the advantages youth brings us,it is impossible to achieve any goals. as students,we should now try our best to learn all the subjects well so that we can be well prepared for the challenges that we will face in the future.

thank !


the footsteps of the world expo is getting closer and closer to us, civilized and harmonious call is still ringing in my ears. shanghai, china obtained the right to host the world expo , expo shanghai china will be a world event, the development of shanghai's new round of golden opportunity, as it is an important embodiment of our national spirit.

world expo is a great influence and a long history of international activities, is the largest gathering of human beings. people from around the world gathered in one place display their products and skills, boast of their hometown and motherland. expo set the culmination of human civilization, which has a unique appeal, make you feel surging.

world expo is a platform, we are the masters. she put up a platform for us to let the world know us; she built a bridge for us, so we better communicate with the world. this platform may let us display self wantonly. we are the masters here, we have to landlord, let guest experience enthusiasm and happiness.

everyone to contribute for the expo, we are no exception, as a living piece of fertile land in pudong's teachers, we are proud and pride. in the vision of a better tomorrow

, we have to do for the world expo will own a wonderful ability, we have through our hands, warm heart and sincerity to practical action to achieve the commitment of shanghai to the world. we should educate the many students: do not throw garbage anywhere, no spitting, no jaywalking ... ..., hello, thank you frequently mention, let the material on this city with the new york comparable to the spiritual civilization. educate our students to exciting , willing to shanghai's future by copies of power, if only planted a small tree, participants in the shanghai world expo foreign guests feel: this is a forest city, pollution-free city, ancient and civilized city. better city, better life! until the time of the expo, then, we want to become a glorious volunteers, to changing our foreign friends in shanghai and china's long history, a

bout our education for the world expo will contribute their efforts.

we expect the majority of teachers will be great enthusiasm for the world expo into practical action to meet the world expo, the expo will be a total growth, and the city of development, the development of shanghai devote their efforts to advance hand in hand with shanghai.

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
